
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Container Composition

Although intricate, this painting wasn't really that difficult; it just took a lot of time and patience. It took me about 2 hours to complete, but it was enjoyable time spent--I listened to the baseball game on the radio while painting.

Simple Flower Painting

The first real painting "assignment" in the Anne Elsworth book. This was an easy painting, and only took about a half hour. Most of the time was spent waiting for the flowers to dry so that I could add black centers. The "black" was made from a mixture of alizarin crimson, cobalt blue, and a touch of lemon yellow.

Winsor-Newton Cotman Watercolor Example

Included in my Winsor-Newton Cotman Sketcher's Pocket Box, an insert gave a step-by-step instruction/illustration of using watercolors. I followed this and came up with the image above. I'm proud of the way it looks, and I think I'll frame it. This painting took me a little over an hour to complete.


Watercolor and Pigma Micron 03 pen.